
The Path to Elite Level Leadership:
The 5-Step Regimen for Measurable Leadership Improvement

By J. Bryan Bennett
Published September 2021 by the Elite Leadership Academy

What separates elite athletes from the thousands of other professional and Olympic athletes in their sport? It’s the relentless pursuit of improvement through a personalized training regimen to remain at the top of their sport. Elite athletes are the ones who win championships, Olympic medals, most valuable player award or all-star recognition.

This drive can also be found in musicians, vocalists, artists, chefs and many other professions. The elite performers can usually be identified by Emmy, Grammy, Oscars or Tony awards, as well as best selling, best of show, Michelin awards, etc.

Leaders should approach leadership with the same mindset. Leadership improvement only occurs through a personalized leadership strategy, based on a process, that is practiced daily. Not everyone will become an elite level leader, but all leaders should strive for it.

In this book you will learn how to incorporate the Elite Leadership Process™ into your daily practice of leadership to produce measurable results. The journey is personalized to the individual’s strengths and presented without the use of buzzwords used in other leadership programs. Leaders who have embraced this program have shown measurable leadership improvement in as little as 3 months’ time.

Prescribing Leadership in Healthcare:
Curing the Challenges Facing Today’s Healthcare Leaders

By J. Bryan Bennett
Published September 2017 by the Healthcare Center of Excellence

The rate of change in healthcare is staggering. Now, more than ever, we need leaders who are well-versed in all aspects of leadership. Unfortunately, the skills that made healthcare leaders successful in the past may not be enough to be successful in the future. Managing change requires a very special set of skills. Project management, lean six sigma and other change processes all identify leadership as a key critical success factor. In fact, a recent study by the Healthcare Center for Excellence revealed that lack of leadership was the greatest challenge to implementing healthcare analytics. More alarming was the fact that those in leadership positions did not recognize their role in the change management process.

Prescribing Leadership in Healthcare includes the results of interviews with healthcare executives, business executives and sports champions. The book is based on the proprietary 5-step Professional Leadership Program which personalizes leadership development based on an individual’s innate qualities and strengths. It is designed as a continually improving process to help leaders develop and adapt a personalized leadership vision and philosophy for utilization in their daily leadership routine. The program creates better leaders by incorporating the most often overlooked steps that research indicates are essential to better leadership development.

Competing On Healthcare Analytics:
The Foundational Approach to Population Health Analytics

By J. Bryan Bennett
Published April 2016 by the Healthcare Center of Excellence

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From Electronic Health Records to ICD-10 to Population Health, few industries have undergone such change in such a short amount of time. The silver lining is the treasure trove of digital data, which will enable providers to analyze and compare information across thousands of patients instead of relying on the anecdotal evidence they previously used. To access this knowledge, organizations are turning to analytics. Unfortunately, many organizations are rushing to implement any type of healthcare analytics program without consideration of the steps that must take place to build an effective, long-term analytics solution.

Competing on Healthcare Analytics is a practical guide to implementing population health analytics. The book makes a clear argument for how an analytics initiative should be implemented using Mr. Bennett’s foundational approach and identifies the most critical success factors. Healthcare organizations should re-access their approach to implementing population health analytics after reading this book. [MORE]

ADAPTIVE Health Management Information Systems

By Dr. Joseph Tan with Dr. Fay Cobb Payton
With Contributing Author Bryan Bennett
President of Insight Data Group

Published by Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Third Edition (May 21, 2009)

This is an update to the book originally written exclusively by Dr. Tan in 2001. In this edition, Dr. Tan and his co-editor Dr. Fay Cobb Payton, update the prior edition with the help of over 20 academic and thought leaders from the information technology and healthcare strategy arenas. Topics include: information systems from a managerial perspective; roles of CIO/CTO for healthcare services organizations; HMIS hardware/software concepts; HMIS database concepts; HMIS standards, privacy, and security concepts; HMIS communications and networking concepts; HMIS strategic planning; HMIS investigation & analysis; HMIS design, implementation, and evaluation; e-healthcare information systems; healthcare information systems; use of HMIS emerging technologies and its impact on human health. [MORE]