
A Customer-Centric Approach to Community Bank Growth
by J. Bryan Bennett

The Capco Journal of Financial Transformation
Client-Centricity – Journal Volume 21

Published by the Capco Institute

This paper is a study on how a community bank can use easily accessible data to design and implement customer-centric management and acquisition strategies. It was one of only 18 selected from the almost 200 submissions from academic and business leaders from around the world.

A Customer-Centric Approach to Community Bank Growth

From Capco:
Financial institutions are not renowned for the way they treat their customers. Many associate this lack of so-called client-centricity with the fact that banking institutions continue to treat customers as if the old JP Morgan adage still holds: banks are in fact doing their clients a favor by conducting business with them. And, of course, old habits die hard.

While this might be an exaggeration, it is not an uncommon view. However, it is not always clear whether financial institutions genuinely treat their customers poorly or whether they simply lack the ambition to put the record straight. It is hard to quantify just how poor their quality of service really is vis-à-vis their peers in other sectors. Complicating matters, some financial institutions have actually been case studies of highly customer-centric organizations.

In this issue of the Journal some of the world’s leading authorities in the field of customer-centricity share with us their views about what best-in-class customer service provision looks like, and provide prescriptive advice about how financial institutions can institute the kinds of transformational change necessary to become truly client-centric organizations.

This edition focuses on the tools that are necessary for delivering client-centric services and the content management methodologies that enable financial institutions to achieve their objectives. We hope that you find the ideas posed by our contributing experts useful in your own endeavors to become a truly customer-centric organization.