Implementing a Leadership Resources Management Strategy

Implementing a Leadership Resources Management Strategy

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In the last issue of the newsletter, we explained why organizations need a non-biased, behavior-focused, strategy to actively manage their most valuable resource – leadership. We emphasized that when properly implemented, it can be:

  • the difference between keeping or losing your best leaders;
  • the difference between identifying or missing high potential hires;
  • the difference between eliminating or maintaining a toxic work environment;
  • the difference between promoting people based on leadership potential or based on prior functional success.

In this issue, we’re going to discuss the implementation of a leadership resources management strategy, which we call LeadershipRM™.

Overall, implementation is typically turnkey with the biggest variable being the timeliness of the individuals completing the assessment and the scheduling of their debriefing after completion. Our instrument measures 9-dimensions of leadership behavior summarized into 2 categories, the Potential for Leadership, which represents the innate leadership qualities that separate good leaders from great leaders, and the Practice of Leadership, which represents how leaders incorporate leadership into their daily lives.

These dimensions are the results of extensive research into leadership behaviors that are the most impactful. They have been vetted by a team of scholars and tested over 8 years, with proven results. Additionally, individual results are given context by comparing them to the population average of all who have taken the assessment over the last 8 years.

Individual Assessment by Percentile

Next, a team assessment is completed, which compares the individual’s leadership assessment to the perception of their leadership by their direct reports, peers and supervisor. This step helps validate the results of the individual assessment, as people tend to overestimate their abilities. To maintain a sense of anonymity, a minimum number of direct reports and peers are required to complete a team assessment.

Team Perception Assessment Example

Finally, the individual is compared to the assessments of those at their same organizational level – both inside the organization and outside the organization from our database. This helps the leader better understand how they compare to the leadership profiles of others at their organization level. Our data has revealed that each organization level has their own very unique leadership profile.

Internal Director Comparison Versus General Population Directors

The leaders are then segmented into tiers for a visual comparison and actionable strategies. These tiers are created based on extensive experience creating customer segments with a touch of artificial intelligence for additional validation. The organization then develops strategies to keep those in the top tier, move those in the next tier up to the top tier and monitor those in the lower tiers. As opportunities arise, the organization will know which leader is the best match based on the leadership qualities needed to be successful in the opportunity. These tiers are not static and will change from organization to organization based on where the data points land.

Leadership Tiers Will Differ by Organization

With a firm understanding of where the leaders are positioned throughout the department or organization, it is important to develop actionable and measurable steps to manage each overall tier and the individual leaders within each tier. This can be through additional training, exposure to new opportunities, or challenging special assignments. We will cover more on the outcomes and management actions in the next issue.

For more information on how we help organizations implement an actionable leadership resources management strategy, please message me or visit us at

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