Category Archives: Leadership

Toxic Workplace Survival Strategies

Category : Leadership

We all know that toxic leaders are prevalent in most organizations, regardless of the size and recognize the negative impact they can have on the individuals that work for them, as well as on their peers and other teams they encounter. What if the entire workplace is toxic? Individual toxic leaders can be identified and counselled to improve or move on. What if you find yourself in a toxic work environment? As much as we try to avoid them during a job search, we may inevitably find ourselves in one. This is not the result of a few individuals but stems from an entire workplace culture.

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The Impact of Toxic Leaders on Your Organization

Toxic leaders are like weeds in your garden or lawn. If you don’t remove them right away, they will infest your entire organization resulting in stifled growth, reduced morale and the departure of quality employees.

Toxic leaders are everywhere, whether organizations want to admit it or not. They can be found in organizations with as little as 100 employees or found in multitudes in larger ones. Unfortunately, they are usually ignored and allowed to choke the growth of those around them, namely, their subordinates and their peers. They are usually accepted and described in satisfactory terms such as hard-working, results-driven, or persistent. On the surface, these traits could describe great employees, but when taken to the extreme, they result in negative outcomes, such as abuse, intimidation and manipulation.

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What ORGANIZATION LEVEL Leadership Gaps Are You Bringing Into 2024?

Category : Leadership

In the last editions of the newsletter, we discussed individual and team leadership gaps and how they can impact your success as a leader. It’s important to identify and either fix or compensate for them. These gaps can either be small cracks and fix with some ‘leadership caulk’ or large potholes which may require some ‘leadership patch.’ If left unattended, a small gap can grow into a huge one for the leader. Either way, it’s important for leaders at all levels to regularly evaluate and correct their leadership gaps.

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3 Steps to Take Now to Fortify Your DEI Program With Data

In the wake of the recent Supreme Court ruling outlawing affirmative action in college admissions, other organizations need to realize that the same type of ruling could come their way. Therefore, they need to take steps now to incorporate quantitative means to document their promotion and selection choices.

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Weeding Out Toxic Leaders in Your Organization

Category : Leadership

Toxic leaders are like weeds in your garden or lawn. If you don’t remove them right away, they will infest your entire organization resulting in stifled growth, reduced morale and the departure of quality employees.

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Identifying and Filling the Gaps in Your Leadership Practice

Category : Leadership

After having lived in the Midwest most of my life, I have come to recognize spring as pothole repair season. It usually takes place from December to April as municipalities repair potholes caused by the snow, rain and ice from winter storms. Already in 2023, the city of Chicago has repaired 215,000 potholes. If not repaired, potholes can damage a car’s tires, alignment and undercarriage, as well as posing a problem for bicyclists.

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Impacting Your DEI Initiatives With Data

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Category : Leadership

Implementing a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) program requires an organization-wide cultural change. This change needs to start from the top and permeate throughout every level. Some of the areas impacted by the change include promotions, assignments, hiring practices and resources planning. Additionally, individual managers will need to change the way they select or recommend people for an opportunity as well as embrace new processes while selecting from a broader pool of qualified candidates.

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Hunting for Toxic Leaders in Your Organization

Category : Leadership

Radar is used in several aspects of our everyday lives. It works by using electromagnetic sensors to detect, locate, track and recognize objects from a distance. Some common uses include:

  • Tracking weather patterns and storms by the weather service
  • Tracking and monitoring airplanes by traffic control
  • Tracking spacecrafts and other objects by NASA
  • Tracking friendly and enemy forces by the military
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Strategies to Retain Your Best Leaders in 2023

Organizations lose good people every year. In this current era of workforce disruptions, the losses can be even worse. The challenge for organizations is to minimize the loss of their best leaders. This has implications not just for the current year but could reverberate for years to come from an interruption of your leadership pipeline. There are two strategies organizations should deploy immediately to minimize the loss of their best leaders in 2023 and beyond, including:

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Step Up to Leadership Resources Management for 2023

Organizations spend billions of dollars each year on leadership development programs, but very little, if anything, on managing the leadership resources they developed. Leadership resources management is a data-driven approach to managing an organization’s leadership resources. It enables more informed decisions in promotions, assignments, retention and hiring by replacing subjective interviews, relationship-based promotions and selections with a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased leadership management process. It goes beyond leadership development and helps organizations better manage their leadership resources.

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