Category Archives: Leadership

Tales From the Leadership Front: “How Can I Get You to Stay?”

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Category : Leadership

At some point in our careers, many of us have heard this question after we turned in a resignation letter. It’s happened to me a couple of times. One occasion that stood out was when I was assigned to manage the relationship of an unhappy insurance client. They had reason to be unhappy as their project was way behind schedule with no plan in place to finish it in a timely manner. Additionally, their 5-year, multi-million-dollar annual contract expired at the end of December. I was assigned the client in April and charged with getting them to renew before the cancellation notice deadline of September 30.

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Leadership Trust Lessons from a Punk Rock Moshpit

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Category : Leadership

A few days ago, I attended a hardcore punk rock show that included my daughter Bryanna Bennett’s band Buggin’, which she is the lead vocalist for. This was part of their West Coast, 6 city tour, which included several sold out shows. I had seen her perform before, but not with this new band that was formed during her college years. She has been attending hardcore shows since she was 14 years old and performing in a band since high school.

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PSST! The Leadership Gaps are Coming from Inside Your Organization!

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Category : Leadership

You are probably very familiar with the well-worn old horror movie trope where people are receiving threatening calls from someone only to find out that the calls are coming from inside the house? Of course, you would have to suspend reality because when this trope was first used, the people were still only using landlines. Someone calling you from inside your house using your landline was impossible.

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Is Your Leadership Program Missing the Target?

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Category : Leadership

It is if it doesn’t include a Leadership Resources Management Solution (LRMS). An LRMS is a data-driven approach to managing an organization’s leadership resources. It replaces subjective interviews, relationship-based promotions and selections with a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased leadership management tool.

The impact of using LeadershipRMS in your organization is significant, including:

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Identifying the Gaps in Your Leadership Practice

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Category : Leadership

Most people overestimate their leadership abilities. That’s assuming they have performed any type of personal leadership assessment. In our leadership training sessions, after some basic leadership level setting, the first, and longest, topic we discuss is assessing one’s leadership abilities. This includes assessing who the participants are as a person, who they are as a leader, how their leadership is perceived by others and their situational influences. This are usually a very illuminating exercises as they learn more about themselves and the perceptions of others they work with. After all, if you don’t know yourself, how can you expect to lead others. Additionally, in leadership, perception is everything. If the people around you don’t perceive you as a good leader they may resist following you. On the other hand, if they perceive you as a good leader, they will probably follow you almost anywhere.

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Are You Ready To Take Your Leadership Program To The Next Level?

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Category : Leadership

You can by adding a Leadership Resources Management Solution (LRMS). An LRMS is a data-driven approach to managing an organization’s leadership resources. It replaces subjective interviews, relationship-based promotions and selections with a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased leadership management tool.

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Is Your Leadership Program Missing a Piece?

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Category : Leadership

It is if it doesn’t include a leadership resources management solution to help your organization identify and segment their leadership resources using a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased assessment tool. It can be the difference between keeping and losing your best leaders, the difference between identifying and missing high potential hires, and the difference between promoting people based on leadership potential or based on prior functional success or relationships. Use all the pieces for a complete leadership program and learn more on our partner site at:

Leadership Analytics 247 Information Session

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Category : Leadership

Attend a free information session to view our Leadership Analytics 247 platform, a Leadership Resources Management solution that helps organizations better manage their leadership resources. It can be the difference between keeping and losing your best leaders, the difference between identifying and missing high potential hires, and the difference between promoting people based on leadership potential or based on prior functional success. Each of these could have dire consequences for an organization.

Learn more about the platform, choose a session and register here on our partner site.

Managing Situational Influences for Maximum Leadership Effectiveness

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Category : Leadership Training

Situational awareness and adaptability are the keys to effective leadership. It involves recognizing and adapting to the various influences present in any leadership encounter. Situational awareness or instinct is not something most leaders are born with but is something that evolves over time as the Leader increases in experience.

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Leadership Development Programs Need to Be More Accountable

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Category : Analytics Leadership

Many believe that leadership growth is not something that can be quantifiably measured . Leadership experts regularly expound on how well their leadership development training works without any proof to substantiate their claims. When asked about how they know it works, the answers typically fall into 2 categories, “We can tell” or the dreaded, “We believe it worked.” Neither of these are acceptable to an organization or an individual that has spent their time and money for the training. With the right tool, a well-designed leadership development training program can easily be quantifiably measured.

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.”
– Peter Drucker

I have spent most of my career analyzing, predicting, researching and teaching consumer/human behavior for some of the leading companies in the country. So, when I turned my attention to improving leadership 7 years ago, a colleague challenged me to determine how to quantifiably measure leadership improvement to help companies calculate a return on investment on their leadership development programs. I gladly accepted the challenge.

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