Category Archives: Training

“Free Your Mind,” Matrix Style With Great Stories

As we learned in “The Matrix”, perception is not always reality. That is also true to when it comes to leadership. Leaders are only as good as their people perceive them to be.

In our Professional Leadership Training programs, we address the perception versus reality dichotomy with a peer assessment. Participants are usually surprised to see that what they considered to be their leadership attributes were not what their peers thought, both positively and negatively.

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How We Measure & Monitor Leadership

Category : Leadership Training

Many believe that leadership improvement is not something that can be measured quantifiably. We have all listened to presentations by leadership experts that expound on how well their leadership training works without any proof to substantiate their claims. When asked about how they know it works, the answers typically fall into 2 categories, “We can tell” or the dreaded, “We believe it worked.” Neither of these are acceptable to an organization or an individual that has spent their time and money for the training. With the right tool, a well-designed leadership training program can easily be quantifiably measured.

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Professional Leadership Academy Opening

We are excited to announce the opening of our new Professional Leadership Academy. It is the culmination of 2 years of work since I developed the Professional Leadership Process™ for my book, Prescribing Leadership in Healthcare. Soon after publication, we began developing online and onsite courses based on this leadership development approach culminating in a results-focused, process-based, continuously-improving leadership program for aspiring and experienced leaders that is adaptable to almost any leadership situation.

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What Professional Leaders Do – Part 1 (Video)

In this video I discuss what professional leaders do. This is the first in a series of 6 videos with this one covering assessing leadership abilities and situation. Watch the video and learn more about our professional leadership approach at where you can also enroll in one of our online leadership training programs.

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