Category Archives: Training

Building Results-Oriented Leadership Development Programs

Category : Training

The retail pioneer, John Wanamaker, once stated, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half”. The chain of department stores he started eventually became part of Macy’s. Even in today’s digital advertising age, that statement is still true, with more than half being wasted according to some experts. The same is very true of leadership development programs.

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What TEAM Leadership Gaps Are You Bringing Into 2024?

Category : Training

In the last edition of the newsletter, we discussed individual leadership gaps and how they can impact your success as a leader. It’s important to identify and either fix or compensate for them. These gaps can either be small and fix with some ‘leadership caulk’ or large which may require some ‘leadership patch.’ Either way, it’s important for leaders at all levels to regularly evaluate and correct their leadership gaps.

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What Leadership Gaps Are You Bringing Into 2024?

Category : Training

Everyone has leadership gaps. The key to being or becoming a successful leader is to identify those gaps and either repair or compensate for them. These gaps can be small and repaired with some ‘caulk’ or huge needing ‘pothole repair compound’. If left unattended, a small gap can grow into a huge one for the leader. Do you know which one(s) you have?

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Which Direction Is Your Leadership Program Going?

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Category : Training

Is it identifying and growing better leaders? Does it support management of all your leadership resources?

These questions can be answered with a leadership resources management solution or LRMS. An LRMS is a data-driven approach to managing an organization’s leadership resources. It replaces subjective interviews, relationship-based promotions and selections with a quantifiable, repeatable and unbiased leadership management tool.

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10 Questions to Determine if you Have a Results-Driven Leadership Program

Category : Training

A leadership program should be an asset for any organization to enroll their people in to drive growth. Too many of these programs are simply motivational speaking exercises without providing any clear direction on what the attendee should do when they walk out the door. A well-designed leadership program should motivate the attendees to become better leaders and provide them with the tools to implement a personalized leadership strategy. Once this is done, the organization should be able to measure quantifiable results from their investment.

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Managing Situational Influences for Maximum Leadership Effectiveness

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Category : Leadership Training

Situational awareness and adaptability are the keys to effective leadership. It involves recognizing and adapting to the various influences present in any leadership encounter. Situational awareness or instinct is not something most leaders are born with but is something that evolves over time as the Leader increases in experience.

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A Contrarian’s Thoughts on Leadership Development

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Category : Training

My view of leadership has been honed over a 30-plus years career performing and observing leaders at all levels of management. I began codifying my leadership development vision as a professor at Judson University, in their leading Organizational Leadership program. This experience, along with additional research and personal interviews, formed the foundation for the Elite Leadership Process™ detailed in my first leadership book, Prescribing Leadership in Healthcare in 2017. Since then, I have refined my vision with additional research and interviews for second leadership book, The Path to Elite Level Leadership in 2021. Something that I’ve come to realize and accept is that many of the positions I’ve chosen on leadership are contrary to those of many of my colleagues, namely:

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Leadership Impact Assessment Results – C-Level Executives

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Category : Training

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been discussing the importance of measuring outcomes from leadership development programs. Most organizations don’t do it for one reason or another. Without any way of measurement, the individual and/or organization can’t empirically know what needs to be improved.

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Measuring Leadership: A Case Study

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Category : Training

In an ongoing leadership development training program, we conducted 3 cohorts of the Elite Leadership Training (ELT) program at a hospital in Chicago. The second cohort included leaders who reported directly or indirectly to the organization’s C-Level and other top executives to the leaders, who participated in the first cohort. The second cohort was the largest and the one which yielded the most data to analyze, which is the subject of this case study.

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The Elite Leadership Matrix

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Category : Training

A critical component of our leadership definition is that leaders must “…direct and inspire a team or organization to reach a goal or follow a vision…”. They must be able to provide direction AND inspiration. They have to direct them by defining the goal or articulating the vision as well as inspire them to do whatever is necessary to reach the goal.

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