Category Archives: Healthcare

Healthcare Predictive Analytics Will Be A Game Changer – Eventually

Category : Analytics Healthcare

Healthcare analytics has the potential to help identify potential health risks, promote better health and deliver more accurate diagnosis and treatment plans. There are several challenges that must be overcome before healthcare can deliver on that promise.

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Leadership Skills Needed for a Successful Healthcare Transformation

Category : Healthcare Leadership

Exceptional leadership skills are necessary for a healthcare organization to navigate the transformation from a paper-based organization to one that is data-enabled. Without good leadership, the organization risks not realizing the benefits of the transformation or not being transformed at all.

Indeed, organizations are spending millions of dollars on just the EHR part of the data enablement transformation and could be putting their investment at risk without proper executive leadership.

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Overcoming the Roadblocks to Data Enablement

Many healthcare organizations are on the journey to becoming data enabled. Unfortunately, a lot of them will have a difficult time reaching it. Most organizations are just in the beginning stages, while some are still in the starting blocks. Additionally, there are many internal and external issues that may delay or stall the process. In this blog, we will discuss some of those ‘stumbling blocks’ and offer some suggestions on how to overcome them.

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Big Data Needs the Big Three to Succeed

Category : Healthcare Leadership

Big Data is a topic that is widely discussed (even by me). Unfortunately, what most people don’t realize is that Big Data is only part of what is needed for a successful transition to become a data-enabled healthcare organization (DEHO). This is very similar to the early days of customer relationship management (CRM) when everyone was being told to “Buy my software and you’ll have CRM”. As we learned or should have learned from all the failed CRM implementations that littered the business landscape, a successful CRM implementation requires more than just installing new software. In the CRM implementation vision I co-developed back then, we identified three continuums that must equally be changed for a successful transition. This vision was selected by Gartner as one of the top three in the industry and has become the foundation for most successful CRM implementations still today.

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Healthcare Big Data is Déjà vu All Over Again

My colleagues and I chuckle when we hear about all the ‘new benefits’ from Big Data. We chuckle because we have been using large datasets (what today is called Big Data) for years to help companies glean insights and intelligence from customer data. The goal has been to get the “right offer, to the right person, at the right time”. This means that we sought to understand the customer and their needs enough to be able to make the right product offer to them when they were most likely to accept or respond to the offer.  To accomplish this, behavior analysis and predictive modeling was used to create more effective acquisition and retention programs and to build actionable customer segmentations. The segmentation schemes enabled the company to manage similar customers as a group with emphasis on keeping the top customers in their segments and motivating the other customers to ‘move up’ the segmentation schema.

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